May 21, 2011


What if one day I have amnesia? What if one day I hit my head really hard and lose all my memories? How does it feel to have amnesia?
Yes, all sorts of negative thoughts accumulate in my brain. But seriously, just what if, one day...

Amnesia, to me is one of those things that is awesome. I know, you'll probably be thinking, "What? This girl wants to lose her memories? Is she crazy?" Yes, I'm crazy.
It's all partly because of accumulation of bad memories in my memory that made be think that having amnesia will be cool. I would definitely lose all those bad memories in my head. Also, it's partly because I'm curious of how people would react. Will my friends abandoned me? Will they keep their distance from an amnesia patient? I don't know. That's why I'm curious. Curiosity kills.

But come to think of it, amnesia would be bad. What if it's a permanent amnesia? I will not recover my memories at all! I will not who I was or who were my closest people! Ah, all these sad things made me sad.

Anyway, I don't really know why I had a thought like this. I guess this is a crazy girl's curiosity... to have amnesia one day and shock everyone.

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