Jun 6, 2010

A new name, a new vision

I changed my link :D Kindly relink!

Since Jo started a new blog with an amazing header, I decided to give my blog a makeover too. So yeah, I dumped my previous link and go for a more prettier one. The header's photo are purely taken by me with my dad's camera - which he insists that it is ours but he keeps it most of time, and of course, edited :D

Yesterday, I took 1 hour and 30 minutes to do this amazing abstract art. I've always wanted to something like this but sometimes, there are some buttons in Photoshop that I don't understand and I can't really do it. Fortunately, thanks to numerous of graphic expert in the internet for constant inspiration, awesome tutorials and amazing resources they provide.
This graphic requires a great understanding of layers and gradients settings.
After completing this, I looked at it for hours and hours, again and again but I still can't get enough of it. It's so pretty...*sniffs*

This is the before & after version, so that you could see the difference :D

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